Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is it me or do these two look alike?  I just read that Ella is dying off on AMC this week.  (I didn't realize it till I went looking for her photo and found it quite a coincidence?) 

Ella Thomas from All My Children
Model I created when writing
Children of the Land



Great video inside following link of Raggedy Ann and Andy

Gruelle Ideal
It is the Gruelle ideal
that books for children
should contain nothing to
cause fright, suggest fear,
glorify mischief, excuse malice
or condone cruelty. That
is why they are called
"Books Good For

Postscript. If your letter contains a postscript, begin it with P.S. and end it with your initials. Skip a line after the signature line to begin the postscript.

Another opportunity for learning (PS a computer thingy) 

Smallpox and bedbugs???????????  Notice the ads on tv for bedbugs lately?  ...cal
Bedbugs, Forgotten history and Smallpox
Smallpox News with warning
Dear Members and Friends - Many of you have asked me for more evidence on the bedbug theory of smallpox. So far, we have not found any other sources besides Cash Asher's book, Bacteria, Inc. The following was sent to me by Susan Pearce, director of the Wyoming Vaccination Information Network after reading the Summer 2002 VacLib Letter. Walene's short piece in the VacLib Letter is reprinted below. Please remember that mattresses back then were "straw-tick" mattresses and provided a breeding ground for "bedbugs".
From Susan: This is an excerpt from a book ...
"Somewhere around this time, we all sickened and Mother knew what was wrong. She had been nursing the neighbors, the Webbers; they were all down in bed and she was sure they had Smallpox. She had carried it home to us, but luckily she had had it as a child and could care for us. Doctors today deplore Folk Medicine, but she gave us Sweet Spirits of Nitre for the fever and baking soda sponges for the itching, and it did help."
"Dr. Blake came down from Buffalo to see us. He was the Health Officer and someone had reported we were all sick; we didn't send for him. We were afraid of him, particularly Lee and me. He talked to Lee gently and coaxed him onto his lap. "Now show me your biggest smallpox sore," he said. Lee opened his pajamas and, exposed himself, he sobbed, "See Doc, it's right on the end of my wetter." Mother was beet red, and started to apologize, but the good doctor waved her away and talked on with Lee, telling him not to scratch and it would be better tomorrow. More laughs."
"Before we could take down the quarantine sign, we had to fumigate according to directions. Dr. Blake left Formaldehyde, which was to be put in a boiler of boiling water and left to boil as long as the fire held. This was some process, but guess what it did to the bedbugs?! They either died or left, for we never saw another one." [Emphasis mine]


It is not known who conceived the plan, but there's no doubt it met with the approval of the British military in America and may have been common practice. Sir Jeffery Amherst, commander of British forces in North America, wrote July 7, 1763, probably unaware of the events at Fort Pitt: "Could it not be contrived to Send the Small Pox among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them." He ordered the extirpation of the Indians and said no prisoners should be taken. About a week later, he wrote to Bouquet: "You will Do well to try to Innoculate the Indians by means of Blanketts as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race."


an epidemic of smallpox hit London and left the British Royal Family in fear.[7] Reading of Lady Wortley Montagu’s efforts, they wanted to use inoculation on themselves. Doctors told them that it was a dangerous procedure, so they decided to try it on other people first. The test subjects they used were condemned prisoners. The doctors inoculated the prisoners and all of them recovered in a couple of weeks. So assured, the British royal family inoculated themselves and reassured the English people that it was safe.

However, in another household, six servants became ill with smallpox after a child was inoculated. Some clergymen then announced that trying to prevent the illness was against God's will. Some physicians warned that inoculation might spread the disease. Nevertheless, inoculation became known as a way to prevent smallpox.[7] In fact, using live virus did carry a risk of infection. About 3% of those inoculated developed smallpox and died. Others spent weeks recovering. However, that was preferable to catching smallpox in the wild, with its mortality rate of 20–40% and survivors left scarred and sometimes blind.[4]
In response to the fear of inoculation, Lady Mary wrote an anonymous article describing inoculation as it was practised in Turkey. Inoculation gained general acceptance. In 1754 she was praised for bringing the practice to Britain.[7]
In later years, Edward Jenner, who was 13 years old when Lady Mary died, developed the much safer technique of vaccination using cowpox.

Video on cow pox and small pox (MADCOW???)


20 Reasons Not to Take
Smallpox Vaccine

By Ingri Cassel



1. George W. Bush has said of smallpox vaccination: "One of my concerns if we were to have universal vaccination, some might lose their life." ~The Times (in London), November 09, 2001.
2. For each million people vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine, as many as 250 could die, according to the American Medical Association. Multiply 250 times 285 (millions of Americans) and the possible deaths from universal smallpox vaccination could equal 71,250. ~ Journal of the American Medical Association, June 9, 1999, Vol. 281, No. 22, p. 2132.
3. "The American Medical Association said on Tuesday it was not in favor of an immediate mass U.S. smallpox vaccination program, saying the potential threat of a bioterror attack did not warrant inoculating every American against the disease." ~Reuters, December 12, 2001.
4. "Right now the risk of getting the vaccine is higher than the benefit. You could get a secondary infection, a full-blown systemic infection." ~Marie Rau, Panhandle Health District nurse, quoted by The Spokesman-Review, November 20, 2001.
5. CDC director Jeffrey Koplan has admitted that universal smallpox vaccination could unleash a significant number of side-effects. He said that because many parts of our population do not have a "robust immune system," a fair number of people could have serious reactions. ~Koplan speaking on the PBS special "Bioterror Propaganda" aired by WETA, November 14, 2001.
6. If the entire nation were to receive a smallpox vaccine, several thousand people would likely develop encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. ~Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2001.
7. Roger J. Pomerantz, chief of the infectious disease department at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, said that doctors have no idea what the smallpox vaccine might do to people at the extremes of life--less than 2 and older than 65. He said that an even greater concern would be its effect on people with weakened immune systems from HIV infection, chemotherapy or transplants. ~Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2001.
8. "Researchers have been reluctant to recommend a new vaccination program which would use the smallpox vaccine for the local population because the vaccine can cause disease and death in persons with inadequate immune systems." ~Science, Vol. 277, July 18, 1997, pp. 312-13.
9. Routine smallpox vaccination in the United States ended in 1972. Officials are hesitant to resume the immunizations because the vaccine is the most reactive of all and has been linked to serious side effects, including death. ~ Reuters, November 29, 2001.
10. Eight printed pages of medical studies documenting the many serious side effects of smallpox vaccination can be obtained at www.whale.to/vaccines/smallpox.html. See "smallpox vaccine adverse reactions 66-76." [Note: go to the home page above and put "smallpox vaccine adverse reaction" in the search engine.] Repercussions include serious brain and heart diseases, autism, abnormal chromosomal changes, diabetes, various cancers and leukemias, plus demyelination of nerve tissue years after vaccination.
11. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that vaccination must not be forced on persons whose physical condition would make such vaccination "cruel and inhuman." In other words, the state has no right to command that an individual sacrifice his life in the name of public health. ~Jacobsen V. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905).
12. By the 1920s, several British medical researchers documented that smallpox was not only more common among the VACCINATED, but that the DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among those who had been vaccinated. This indicates that the vaccine was ineffective and predisposed vaccinated persons to more lethal disease. ~Vaccination, Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australia, 1993, pp. 205-220.
13. Getting a vaccination does not guarantee immunity. ~CDC, January 28, 1994.
14. By 1987, scientific evidence indicated that the World Health Organization's 13-year global smallpox vaccination campaign may have awakened dormant HIV infection in many vaccines. ~Times (in London) May 11, 1987.
15. Vaccines made from animal substrate contain animal viruses that are impossible to filter out. By 1961, scientists discovered that animal viruses in vaccines, including smallpox, could act as a carcinogen when given to mice in combination with cancer-causing chemicals, even in amounts too small to induce tumors alone. They concluded that vaccine viruses function as a catalyst for tumor production. ~Science, December 15, 1961.
16. Some of the new smallpox vaccine doses will be created with animal substrate. Because the vaccine will incorporate vaccinia, the cowpox virus, many wonder about possible mad-cow contamination. Fifty-five million doses of the new vaccine will be created using a cell line dating back to 1966 and cultured from the lung tissues of an aborted human fetus. ~World Net Daily, December 4, 2001.
17. The new smallpox vaccine will be genetically engineered. Many scientists believe that genetically engineered vaccines may be responsible for the global epidemic of auto-immune disease and neurological dysfunction. ~American College of Rheumatology, annual meeting, Nov. 8-12, 1998. Merck's genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine, Recombivax HB, is a classic example. According to Dr. Bonnie Dunbar of Baylor College of Medicine, many thousands of reported adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine include: chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and MS-like disease.
~Testimony of Dr. Dunbar to Texas Dept. of Health, March 12, 1999. Over 15,000 French citizens sued the French government to stop mandatory hepatitis B injections for school children because of resulting auto-immune diseases. ~Science, July 31, 1998. Dr. John Classen has published voluminous data showing that the hepatitis B and other vaccines are closely linked to the development of insulin dependent diabetes. ~Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, October 22, 1997.
18. The British vaccine manufacturer Medeva has a horrendous record of contamination and blunders. In 2000, the FDA found that Medeva was making vaccines in conditions of filth, resulting in contaminated products. Medeva had been illegally using bovine medium to culture its polio vaccines, then lied about it. Medeva also used the blood of a Creutzfeldt-Jakob victim (mad cow) to manufacture 83,000 doses of polio vaccine used for (against?) Irish children. Nevertheless, the FDA allowed the USA to accept Medeva's flu vaccine (Fluvirin) for the year 2000. ~London Observer series: October 20-26, 2000.
19. In 2001, the British socialized health care system was reported to be in a state of collapse, with many hospitals and labs operating in abysmal filth. Five thousand people die each year from infections contracted in British hospitals; 10,000 become deathly ill from such infections. Sterilization procedures are barely adequate and said to be risking the spread of mad cow disease. Government ministers are reportedly trying to hush up the scandal. www.itn.co.uk/Jan 06, 2001; The Sunday Times of London, November 12, 2001.
20. The U.S. government apparently intends to conduct NO double blind studies on the safety and efficacy of the new smallpox vaccine. It has ordered 286 million doses, one for every man, woman and child in America at a cost of $428 million. At least half of this vaccine will be delivered by Acambis PLC of great Britain.
Tip of the Week: Keep all vaccine needles away from your body!
Vaccination Liberation
Idaho Chapter Ingri Cassel, President
P.O. Box 1444 Coeur d'Alene,
ID 83816 (208) 255-2307 / 765-8421
vaclib@coldreams.com www.vaclib.org
"The Right to Know, The Freedom to Abstain"
This is it now.......  guess my blog is being hacked as I type, eh?  I'm in here right now and much of my original post has gone missing  (Damn, and I did so like my story relating to Raggedy Ann)...cal
http://lahollywood.blogspot.com/2011/04/breaking-news.html /twenty_reasons_not_to_take_small.htm 404 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; MMBSearchToolbar 1.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; 3P_UVSM; DEL; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; BRI/2; BO1IE8_v1;ENUS) www.drcarley.com
