Sunday, December 19, 2010

Was filmmaking genius Stanley Kubrick 'snuffed' in retribution for symbolic exposé of the Illuminati in "Eyes Wide Shut"?

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Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and Illuminati Symbology (9 min)

The ritual in Eyes Wide Shut (YT, 5 min, embedding disabled)
While perusing the Jeff Rense-Benjamin Fulford interview transcript in researching Chinese secret society which I previously discussed, I came across the interesting tidbit:
(Discussing the deal with the Illuminati members to spare their lives by not carrying out the genocidal plans to de-populate the Earth)
FULFORD: No. I'm going to get these people if no one else does. If they don't agree to my terms, they are doomed. And they know it. They have the intelligence agents.
You people out there, you don't know because you don't have access. You don't know if I'm lying, if I'm a crazy guy, but they do. People in the CIA, the NSA, Mossad, they know I'm not kidding. This society is real. And they are moving.
So they realize this is not a bluff. This a promise. They must stop their crazy games.
What these people are trying to do - I know it sounds insane. They are trying to artificially create Armageddon. They are trying to make people believe these are end times, by slaughtering people through disease and famine.
I believe they even have, I know this will sound a bit crazy and you will start wondering about me, but they have some kind of microwave weapon that can heat up underground water near earthquake-prone zones, and trigger earthquakes.
RENSE: Oh, I believe it. If that particular technology is true, it's probably one of two or three. They can do it with harmonic resonance, with sonic-based weapons and devices. There are a lot of ways, apparently, to get earthquake faults to move.
FULFORD: So what I'm getting, the feeling is these people are trying to artificially create the appearance of end times, just like in the Bible, and fool everybody.
RENSE: They seem to be playing to that script.
FULFORD: And you must not be fooled, because this has nothing to do with anything spiritual or otherworldly. This is right here on this earth.
And the cults these people represent, they have been known by folklore over the years. You have to start with Nimrod, the Babylonian tyrant. Then Hammurabi.
Hammurabi is known to the Jews as Abraham - a Babylonian tyrant. A slave driver. These people have had a secret sect of slave drivers that is almost six thousand years old.
They have very, very sophisticated methods. They use secrecy, murder, bribery and ridicule as their main weapons. They have had a very good run, but this is checkmate for them, as far as I am concerned.
They are not going to get away with this. They'd better realize it. It's game up. They've been exposed. People know about them. They are onto their game. And it's not going to work.
All you've got to do is target the Eye. Hollywood - the people in Hollywood have been trying to warn the Americans for years! If you look at Tolkien's movie, you have this Eye on the top of a mountain. Destroy the Eye and save the world.
Or [destroy] the masters. Stanley Kubrick gave up his life to expose these people.
So you've got to remember this isn't [associated with] the Jews. The Jews are your best friends in fighting these people, because they've been their biggest victims over the years.
RENSE: Well, we're talking about Zionists here, not Jews.
FULFORD: Exactly. I'm talking about a specific - well, yeah, you can call them Zionists. I think at a higher level it is a very secretive sect of people who are pretending they are Gods.
RENSE: What happened to Stanley Kubrick? I don't mean the precise cause of death, but where was he going that got him into trouble with these people?
FULFORD: It was the movie Eyes Wide Shut, exposing the Masonic orgies. They showed that there were people being killed. This is probably based on real events.
I haven't done the proper research, but there is an old man who dies in Eyes Wide Shut. If I'm not mistaken, the man in the movie died exactly the way Stanley Kubrick died in real life, just as he finished the movie.
RENSE: It is also suggested that Kubrick was involved in creating the - at least some hoaxed Apollo moon footage, and knew all about that. His wife has intimated as much since his death.
I consider myself a fan of Stanley Kubrick, and I find this revelation, while outlandish, fascinating.
Admittedly, when I was a young man, I did not enjoy Eyes Wide Shut as a plodding and ludicrously turgid movie.
The strange circumstance of Kubrick's March 7, 1999 death at his home -- and the family refuse to release the exact cause of death other than natural cause (may be sudden cardiac arrest) -- shortly after approving the lock on final cut and before the film was released in theatres in North America and some regions on July 16 provide a new perspective that might explain his reclusive & somewhat eccentric lifestyle beginning in the early 70's and why it led naturally to the subject of his final film.
While Kubrick's genius was undoubted to some who appreciate stimulating cinematic art, he chose to relocate to Great Britain to settle as his permanent home beginning in about 1962 after having endured the experience of dealing with the stress and frustration of Hollywood large-scale production & demanding actors (Spartacus). He had not set foot on American soil sometime after the 60's since (he attended April 1968 premiere of 2001: A Space Odyssey in New York City), if the assumption is correct.
Kubrick was famous for the perfectionist style in cold, detached, subliminal, psychologically inhumane and challenging cinematic aesthetics and his preferred approach to adapt the published materials for the screen. He chose Arthur Schnitzler's obscure psychosexual drama novella Traumnovelle (alternatively called Dream Story) to form the basis of the film production removed from general comprehension in plot depth more complex than his previous films.
It's been several years since I saw Eyes Wide Shut for the second time, in my vain attempt to evaluate the movie on its merit in story and theme comprehension. Now that years have passed and my knowledge of the Illuminati and Zionism acquired, I have learned, by viewing the video on YouTube, the appliance of occult symbols in purposefully obscured "satirical context" to accentuate Kubrick's cleverly veiled use of theme on the deadly contagion of mind control, lust, corruption, avarice, deceit, treachery and power vested in the secret society conspiring to swindle, debaunch, brutalize, violate and enslave humanity in Eyes Wide Shut.
While (perhaps rightly) condemned by the mystified and bored audiences for its sheer tedium and incomprehensibility of the bizarre, nonsensical story, Eyes Wide Shut may have a valid point that emerged belatedly, as the truth of the disturbing events and facts divulged and theorized in the alternative media and on the information superhighway of the Internet give our conscious mind food for thought -- the events tracing to the secret societies involving ambitious power to control financial and political businesses in governing the national and international affairs, intelligence services and occult participation within the ranks of the Illuminati, et cetera.
This is precisely Mr. Kubrick's intention. The interpretation of his prophetic warnings can also be found in another film A.I. (themes of searching for maternal love, inhumanity and human extinction) which Steven Spielberg studiously developed for production soon after his friend's untimely passing.
As far as the circumstance of Kubrick's death at the age of 70 is concerned, I may never know whether his death, which is still a great loss for modern cinema nine years later, was a retribution by one of the secret societies angry at the expose of the supposedly discreet activities to bring awareness to the general audience.
The general audience's poor reception of Eyes Wide Shut in reaction -- complaining about the slow-moving tedium and weirdly idiotic story (especially the bedroom scene of a long-winded marital communication in drugged state, escape from the cult's grip & the last scene involving the singular utterance of "Fuck" word) -- may have brought relief to the Illuminati that depend on the trust of the controlled media not to shed the light on the treasonous activity in the long-term plan to usurp power and introduce globalist totalitarian tyranny.
May Stanley Kubrick rest in eternal peace, having departed this mortal plane to leave behind his illuminating message to mankind the warning on the rise of occult tyranny and optimism in renewed hope and faith in the good of humanity.


Stanley Kubrick
July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999

The Process Church of The Final Judgment

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The Process, or in full, The Process Church of the Final Judgment, commonly known by non-members as the Process Church, was a religious group that flourished in the 1960s and 1970s, founded by the English couple Mary Anne and Robert DeGrimston (originally Robert Moor and Mary Anne MacLean).[1] Originally headquartered in London it had developed as a splinter client cult group from Scientology,[1] so that they were declared "suppressive persons" by L. Ron Hubbard in December 1965.[citation needed] In 1966 the members of the group underwent a social implosion and moved to Xtul on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, where they developed "processean" theology (which differs from, and is unrelated to process theology). They later established a base of operations in the United States in New Orleans.
They were often viewed as Satanic on the grounds that they worshipped both Christ and Satan. Their belief is that Satan will become reconciled to Christ, and together will come at the end of the world to judge humanity, Christ to judge and Satan to execute judgment. Vincent Bugliosi, the prosecutor of the Charles Manson family trial, comments in his book Helter Skelter that there may be evidence Manson borrowed philosophically from the Process Church, and that representatives of the Church visited him in jail after his arrest. According to one of these representatives, the purpose of the visit was to interview Manson about whether he had ever had any contact with Church members or ever received any literature about the Church.
In April, 1974 Robert DeGrimston was removed by the Council of Masters as Teacher. They renounced The Unity, his exposition of the above-noted doctrines, and most of his other teachings. DeGrimston attempted to restart the Process Church several times, but he could never replace his original following. Following DeGrimston's removal the group underwent a significant change in orientation and renamed itself the Foundation Faith of the Millennium. Further changes in both name and focus followed, and the organization eventually became the Best Friends Animal Society, which is now one of America's best known animal welfare rescue groups. Later on, many of these same believers went on to support Gilles Deleuze in his leadership of the Anti-Oedipal movement of 1968. Most notable works of French critical theory came out of this period [2] Originally headquartered in London it had developed as a splinter client cult group from Scientology,[1].
A detailed account of the history of and life within the Process Church as told by a participant-observer is contained in William S. Bainbridge's book Satan's Power. (He employed a pseudonym for the name of the group, referring to it as "The Power", and disguised the names of people to preserve their identities, a procedure used for sociological studies of living groups to ensure privacy.)


[edit] Processean theology

The term "processean theology" distinguishes these ideas from the process theology derived from the thoughts of Alfred North Whitehead.
At Xtul was the first 'channeling' of God. After Xtul, Jehovah was the only recognised God. Later, with Jehovah, Lucifer and Satan were recognised as "The Three Great Gods of the Universe" and Christ as the Emissary to the Gods. The Three Great Gods represent three basic human patterns of reality:
  • Jehovah, the wrathful God of vengeance and retribution, demands discipline, courage and ruthlessness, and a single-minded dedication to duty, purity and self-denial.
  • Lucifer, the Light Bearer, urges us to enjoy life to the full, to value success in human terms, to be gentle and kind and loving, and to live in peace and harmony with one another. Man's apparent inability to value success without descending into greed, jealousy and an exaggerated sense of his own importance, has brought the God Lucifer into disrepute. He has become mistakenly identified with Satan.
  • Satan, the receiver of transcendent souls and corrupted bodies, instills in us two directly opposite qualities; at one end an urge to rise above all human and physical needs and appetites, to become all soul and no body, all spirit and no mind, and at the other end a desire to sink beneath all human codes of behavior, and to wallow in a morass of violence, lunacy and excessive physical indulgence. But it is the lower end of Satan's nature that men fear, which is why Satan, by whatever name, is seen as the Adversary.
In between these Three Great Gods and man, is an entire hierarchy of Gods, beings and superbeings, angels and archangels, demons and archdemons, elementals and guides, and fallen angels and watchers.
The Process believes that, to varying degrees, these "God-patterns" exist within all of us. The main doctrine of The Process is the unity of Christ and Satan, who exist as opposites. Jehovah and Lucifer exist as opposites and when Christ and Satan are united this will unite Jehovah and Lucifer.
In the original 1960s literature of the church, Christ, Lucifer, Satan, and Jehovah were all arranged on a mandala, with Christ at the top opposite Satan on the bottom and Jehovah on the left opposite Lucifer on the right.
(The descriptions of the Gods comes from a teaching called "The Hierarchy" published in December 1967, as a part of "The Tide of the End".)

Parallel Investigations

 The Mincher case would soon be linked to an even colder case, but one that was being actively investigated, because it had been a celebrity hot potato.  The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department contacted the LAPD to compare notes.  Michael Pascal, it turned out, was a name common to two murders.  So were the names of a few of his bodyguards.
Roy Alexander Radin, a movie producer from New York who'd staged successful vaudeville revivals, was working with other Hollywood notables on putting together deals to back the expensive production of
The Cotton Club.  The story was based on a famous nightclub in New York City that had operated throughout Prohibition.  Opened in 1920, a gangster took over operations three years later, offering bootlegged liquor, scantily-clad female dancers, and even strippers.  Francis Ford Coppola directed the 1984 film which starred Richard Gere, Diane Lane, and Gregory Hines. While it did not do well at the box office, the film was nominated for several awards, including Golden Globes for Best Director and Best Picture (Drama) and the Oscar for best Film Editing.
The Mistress of Hollywood: June Cassandra Mincher

Death of a Madam

 They had just left the apartment of a friend, where June, 29, was staying.  She was a well-known figure around there, having undergone over $20,000 worth of cosmetic surgery to sculpt her face, supplement her reported 66-inch bosom, and reshape her lower torso.  Some say she was a prostitute, others elevate her to a madam, but in any event, she advertised in underground porn magazines for her lucrative sex-by-phone services.  Known for flamboyance, she drove a lavender Rolls Royce, wore elaborate wigs under which she often stuffed thousands of dollars, and referred to herself in print as a "sexy Black goddess."  Many erroneously thought she was not a woman at all but a transvestite, in part because many of her associates were.  As long as she got customers, she didn't care what anyone thought.

To some extent, June used phone sex to perpetuate lies — or rather, to enhance fantasies.  At five-foot-seven and 245 pounds, she wasn't exactly a Playboy centerfold type, but since she supported herself on male sexual desires she had learned to manipulate by voice alone until her clients were driven to call...and call again.  But some developed an obsession, and one of them decided he needed more than just a breathy voice.
Greg Antonelli, a twenty-one year-old bodybuilder from a wealthy Beverly Hills family, used every means available to learn June's address, although she'd persistently refused to give it.  One night, hoping to be welcomed, he showed up at her door.  When she saw who it was, she played coy and refused to let him in, so he grew enraged and broke down the door.  To his stunned surprise, he found not the sexy goddess with luxurious curls that he'd expected from photos but an obese fraud with close-cropped hair.  In disgust, he called her several vile names and walked away.
Several months thereafter, on May 3, 1984, June and Christian passed a man standing outside a dark car, with a driver inside.  The man mumbled something and June spun around to run.  She'd seen this man before.
Christian yelled at him, "What do you want?" and a shot cracked through the night air.  Christian grabbed his stomach, falling backwards.  More shots caught June in the back of her head and she collapsed to the street, instantly dead, with blood running onto her clothing and the sidewalk.  Someone inside the car yelled for the shooter to hurry, but he wanted to empty his gun first.  Then he kicked both victims hard before he got back into the car; it sped away from the scene, but not before people had seen it.
June's friend heard the shots and rushed out, saw the blood-soaked forms, and called the police.  She knew June had been targeted before for rough treatment, possibly with good reason, but had never believed it would result in murder.

* L.A. Forensics Season 2 Episode 3 - Mistress of Hollywood 

Lavender Rolls Royce, similar
Lavender Rolls Royce, similar

Los Angeles skyline
Los Angeles skyline
It was a hot night in Los Angeles. Around 10:30 p.m., June Cassandra Mincher descended the steps of a building the 6800 block of Sepulveda Boulevard in Van Nuys.  She wore a wild print dress, tan jacket, curly black wig, and very high heels.  Her good friend, Christian Pierce, accompanied her. He adored her, and as a result, he followed her at 10:30 that night into the danger zone. He had no idea that someone was watching for them.
Four Are Accused Of Killing Producer In Soured Film Deal
Published: October 04, 1988

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 3 — Four people have been charged with murder in the slaying five years ago of Roy Radin, the New York producer who the authorities say was involved in a soured deal to finance the movie ''The Cotton Club.''
Mr. Radin disappeared May 13, 1983, on his way to a meeting concerning the film, and his body was found a month later with a bullet wound in the head. His death, the authorities said today, was a contract killing.
Charged with murder were Karen De Layne Greenberger, formerly known as Elaine Jacobs; William Molony Mentzer; Alex Lamota Marti; and Robert Ulmer Lowe. The complaint alleged that they killed Mr. Radin for financial gain. Became a Middle Man
David Conn, deputy district attorney said a key figure in negotiations over the film was its producer, Robert Evans. Mr. Evans, who also produced ''Chinatown'' and ''Marathon Man,'' was not charged.
Mr. Conn said Mr. Radin's slaying resulted from a dispute between Mr. Radin and Ms. Greenberger about a plan to raise $35 million from investors in the Puerto Rican Government for ''The Cotton Club.''
The prosecutor said Mr. Radin was introduced to Mr. Evans by Ms. Greenberger and became a middleman in the Puerto Rican negotiations. Dispute Over Fee
But a dispute developed between Mr. Radin and Ms. Greenberger over a finder's fee she was demanding, Mr. Conn said.
''We think the individuals felt the deal could go forward without Radin being involved,'' Mr. Conn said, ''and it did go forward, but without the Puerto Rican investors.''
On May 13, 1983, he said, Mr. Radin stepped into a limousine rented by Ms. Greenberger ''with the intention of going to a restaurant and discussing the business arrangement further.''
Mr. Radin's body was found June 10, 1983, in northwest Los Angeles County.
Mr. Conn said new evidence had been uncovered in an investigation by the Sheriff's Department. Fears for Informant
Mr. Conn said the complaint was issued Sept. 22 but kept sealed because of fear for the safety of an informant who has since been relocated.
Searches carried out under warrants Sunday turned up weapons and explosives at the homes of Mr. Mentzer and Mr. Marti and at a storage locker, he said. Mr. Conn said Mr. Mentzer was a private investigator involved in security work with Mr. Marti, Mr. Deremer and Mr. Lowe.
Ms. Greenberger was arrested in Florida, Mr. Conn said. Mr. Lowe was arrested in Maryland, where Mr. Deremer was expected to be arrested, he said. Mr. Mentzer and Mr. Marti were arrested in Los Angeles.
The complaint also charged Mr. Mentzer, Mr. Lowe and a fifth defendant, Robert Leroy Deremer with murder in the slaying of June Mincher, a prostitute. Mr. Conn said said the two killings were unrelated except that two of the defendants were involved.

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