Monday, January 10, 2011
Death of Ashley Turton...Arkancide meets the Chicago way?
Nachum | 1/10/11 | Nachum
Posted on Monday, January 10, 2011 12:02:17 PM by Nachum
Things that make you go Hmmmmmm...
First, the Tuscon shooting. An anti-immigration Judge just happens to be in the line of fire
Ashley Turton, a former senior aide to Rep. Rosa DeLauro and an energy company lobbyist is ‘burned in her car’. The car just happened to ‘crash into the garage of a home in the 800 block of A Street SE....When the fire was extinguished, firefighters discovered Turton’s body inside the car”
And today, there was a deal that just happened to get done...
Deal Profile: Duke, Progress Agree to $13.7 Billion Deal
Business Lunch: Duke Energy creates largest U.S. utility with Progress Energy purchase
Duke Energy Corp. said Monday it would buy Progress Energy Inc. for nearly $14 billion in stock, bidding to become the largest U.S. utility at a time of steep costs to build nuclear-generating plants as well as sluggish growth in the economy.
If this deal is approved, the combined company would have the third largest fleet of nuclear power plants in the country
The agreement is the latest in a string of utility deals. In November, PPL Corp. bought Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities from Germany’s E.On. In December, Dynegy Inc. agreed to be acquired by Icahn Enterprises. Also last year, First Energy Corp. agreed to acquire Allegheny Energy Inc. while Northeast Utilities agreed to buy NStar, though those deals have yet to be completed.
Progress Energy monitors tritium leak at NC site (December 13, 2010 )
Progress Energy just happens to be in Obama’s Hawaii...
And the fun begins with Soros...
Aug 18, 2010 ... George Soros initiated holdings in Progress Energy Inc.. His purchase prices were between $37.67 and $40.53
Sep 21, 2010 ... Soros plans to become involved in climate issues ... he was also the force behind Center for American Progress, and its Climate Progress effort.
Soros holds Ford Motor, Duke Energy, El Paso (natural gas), Encana (Canada, natural gas), BPZ Resources (oil and gas, no relation to BP, which he does not hold), Hess, Anadarko Petroleum, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, Devon Energy, smaller amounts of Chesapeake Energy, Apache and Marathon Oil.
Did the poor girl, (or her husband) try and rat out on the Chicago Mob? The dirty deal that sold Duke Energy to Progress Energy. Progress energy just happened to go ‘green’ last fall. Fired hundreds of employees. Just in time to take over the Energy industry and full ‘ol Georgee’s pockets?
Arkancide meets the Chicago way?

Wife of WH Aide Daniel Turton Found Dead

By Henry J. Reske
Ashley Turton, the wife of top White House aide Daniel Turton, was found dead early Monday morning in a burned-out car behind her Capitol Hill home. Police do not suspect foul play in the incident that occurred around 5 a.m., The Washington Post reported.

"We have no evidence of any obvious malfeasance in her death at this time," homicide Capt. Michael Farish told The Post, which said the death could have resulted from a low-speed crash, a medical problem, the fire, or all three. The BMW sport utility vehicle was part way in the garage of the home when it was discovered.

The 37-year-old Turton had worked as chief of staff for Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., and was currently working as a lobbyist for Progress Energy, a North Carolina company that announced a merger with Duke Energy Monday. Her husband is a White House liaison to the House of Representatives and the couple has three children, The Post said.

District of Columbia fire department spokesman Pete Piringer said neighbors first noticed the fire and called for help. Damage to the $800,000 property was limited to the garage, The Post said.
But that’s not all. According to Perazzo, the Hillary connection to Media Matters goes much deeper:
Media Matters and Hillary Clinton are further linked by their respective relationships with three of the most influential leftist operatives in the world—George Soros, Morton Halperin, and John Podesta. All three of these men are intimately involved with a vital think tank called the Center for American Progress (CAP)—which, according to Cybercast News Service’s research, was instrumental in getting Brock’s media group off the ground”; which helped launch Media Matters on May 3, 2004; and which maintains a tight bond with Brock’s organization to this day.
As NewsBusters reported in June, “the staff and Senior Fellows listing of this Center reads like a Clinton administration Who’s Who.” As Perazzo pointed out, it is directly connected to Media Matters and Soros:

Why He Matters

As a top Hill aide with more than 20 years of experience, Turton brings connections and context to his job in the Obama administration. He worked as a top aide to former Majority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Miss.) for 20 years before leaving the Hill for a lobbying firm. He returned in 2006 as a key staffer to then-House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.).
In January 2010, Turton's wife, Ashley, was found dead in her fire-damaged vehicle in the garage of the couple's Capitol Hill home. "Ashley Turton, former Hill aide, dead in burning car" by Paul Duggan, the Washington Post. Jan. 10, 2010(1)"Ashley Turton, former Hill aide, dead in burning car" by Paul Duggan, the Washington Post. Jan. 10, 2010 Ashley Turton, 37, was a lobbyist for Progress Energy and was formerly chief of staff for Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.). 
Turton serves as President Barack Obama’s point man for guiding his legislative agenda through the House. Though he was officially appointed to the job in January 2009, Turton started working well before that date with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to convince key players to support the president’s $800 billion economic stimulus package. 
Turton worked to push the White House's agenda throughout the 111th Congress, one of the most productive in history, and continues to liaise with Congress as the White House ramps up for Obama's reelection.

Duke Energy Buying Progress Energy

By Matt Egan
Published January 10, 2011
| FOXBusiness
In a bid to form the largest U.S. utility company, Duke Energy (DUK: 17.57, -0.21, -1.18%) announced plans on Monday to swallow up Progress Energy (PGN: 44.00, -0.71, -1.59%) for $13.7 billion in stock.

If approved by regulators and shareholders, the deal would form a dominant utility with a combined market cap of $37 billion and an enterprise value of $65 billion.

Charlotte-based Duke Energy said it will pay 2.6125 shares for each Progress share, giving the transaction a $46.68-a-share value. The deal represents a 7.1% premium to the closing price of Progress on January 5 and a 3.9% premium to its close on Friday. Duke also said it will assume about $12.2 billion of Progress Energy net debt.

Despite the premium offered in the deal, shares of Raleigh-based Progress eased 1.7% to $43.97. Duke’s stock declined 1.1% to $17.59.

"Our industry is entering a building phase where we must invest in an array of new technologies to reduce our environmental footprints and become more efficient," Duke CEO Jim Rogers said in a statement. "By merging our companies, we can do that more economically for our customers, improve shareholder value and continue to grow.

The transaction is expected to add to Duke’s bottom line in its first year. The combined companies will provide services to about 7.1 million electric companies in six regulated service territories: North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.
“Together, we can leverage our best practices to achieve even higher levels of safety, operational excellence and customer satisfaction, and save money for customers by combining our fuel purchasing power and the dispatch of our generating plants,” Progress Energy CEO Bill Johnson said in a statement."This merger also provides predictable earnings and cash flows to support our dividend payments to shareholders.”
Headquartered in Charlotte with “substantial operations” in Raleigh, the companies said Rogers will become the new organization’s executive chairman and Johnson will be its president and CEO.

Duke also said it plans to conduct a reverse stock split immediately prior to the deal’s closing.
OSI's $45 million (and counting) judiciary campaign is run by another Soros-grantee organization, called Justice at Stake. Other groups supping at the Soros trough include the People for the American Way Foundation ($2.1 million in funding), the American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education ($2.2 million) and the League of Women Voters Education Fund ($1.7 million). Even Planned Parenthood gets in on the act.
Weekend Edition
December 17 - 19, 2010

Illegal Business as Usual

The Duke Energy Scandal

Duke Energy always rewards it creepy disgraced executives it seems. A couple of days ago James L. Turner resigned in disgrace after the Indianapolis Star revealed emails between him and his buddy, David Lott Hardy, who was the Chairman of the Indiana Utility Regulator Commission.

Those communications may have been illegal as ex parte communications but hey, it is Indiana, where the line between the regulators and the regulated has been ill defined for a long time but especially in the last six years as Mitch Daniels has strategically placed industry leaders in the position of regulating the industries they work for.

In Duke's case, the practice of giving rewards to those who seemingly do some of the worst damage to their Indiana Customers is almost a tradition dating back at least to the massive compensation and retirement benefits offered to then Public Service Indiana Chair and CEO, Hugh Barker, who oversaw the company's stock crashing in 1984 when construction of the Marble Hill nuclear plant was forced to stop by the exasperated administration of Governor Robert Orr.
And, even though George Soros didnt give PFAW a special million- dollar Destroy Fox News gift like it did Media Matters, his Open Society Foundations have sent over $3.3 million their way since 1999.
Soros, of course, is good at making big headlines, but hes a lot better at making big money (Forbes estimates $14.4 billion net worth), which is how he supports his big global system (more than 60 operations) of big impact foundations (about $600 million per year).
Michael T. Kaufman, a Soros biographer, made two intriguing points about Soros the man: As a child, he felt a messianic calling, and as an adult he underwent extensive psychotherapy that only made it worse.
On January 8, 2011, Bush's nine-year-old second cousin, Christina Taylor Green, was fatally shot in the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona. Green was the youngest victim of the massacre, which claimed the lives of six and injured 14.[22]

[edit] Public image

[edit] Activism

Bush has been actively involved in political issues. She supported Barack Obama as President. In February 2008, she made several appearances in Texas in support of the Obama campaign in the Texas Presidential primary election. She was joined in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Waco by fellow actor Adam Rodríguez. Touring mostly college campuses, they urged young voters to get involved politically.[23][24][25] In April 2009, along with stars including Sarah Chalke, Jason Lewis, Alicia Silverstone, Jane Lynch and Lance Bass, Bush appeared in a video on Funny or Die called "A Gaythering Storm", which parodied a NOM video objecting to same-sex marriage.[26] Bush recently set up a fundraiser intended to help people living in the area of the Gulf of Mexico affected by the environmental disaster of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, occurred April 20, 2010. The artist has personally visited Louisiana and testified in interviews the horror she felt when she visited those places.[27] The fundraiser is currently underway on the Internet through crowdsourcing website The actress, to support the fundraiser, said that next November she's going to run a half marathon, despite having asthma and a year-old knee injury.[28]

[edit] As a sex symbol

Bush is considered a sex symbol. In April 2007, she ranked #90 in the British popular men's magazine FHM, in their countdown of 100 Sexiest Women of 2007. Subsequently, she ranked #89 in the US edition of the same magazine. In May 2007, Bush ranked high at #24 in the Maxim Hot 100 List of 2007. She has also appeared on the cover of the November 2006 edition of Maxim with One Tree Hill co-stars Hilarie Burton and Danneel Harris. In previous years, Bush has ranked #3 on Femme Fatales: The 50 Sexiest Women of 2004 and named #15 on MuchMusic's 20 Hottest Women of 2004.
Bush has been featured in People's "Beautiful at Every Age" and "Most Beautiful" for several years.[29]
Posted at 9:19 AM ET, 01/ 9/2011

Christina-Taylor Green, granddaughter of Dallas Green, dies in Arizona shooting

By Cindy Boren
Updated at 5:23 p.m.
The granddaughter of Dallas Green, who managed the Philadelphia Phillies to a World Series victory in 1980, is the youngest victim of the shooting in which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was wounded and a federal judge killed in Tucson, Ariz.
green.jpgChristina-Taylor Green, born on Sept. 11, 2001, had been elected to the student council at her elementary school and went to the Safeway to meet Giffords.
Dallas Green, vacationing in the Turks and Caicos, had no reason to initially connect his granddaughter to the shooting. The news, understandably, left him reeling. "It's pretty hard," he told Mike Lupica of the New York Daily News. "We're all hurting pretty bad. I can't believe this could happen to any 9-year old child. The worst thing to ever happen to us."
His wife Sylvia called their son to inquire about the shooting and learned that their grandchild was dead.
"This beautiful little girl," Dallas Green said. "Gone like this..."
A Little League second baseman, the 9-year-old was just becoming interested in politics.
"She was a good speaker. I could have easily seen her as a politician," her father, John Green, told the Arizona Star-News. He is East Coast supervisor of amateur scouts for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
"She was all about helping people, and being involved," her mother, Roxanna, said. "It's so tragic. She went to learn today and then someone with so much hatred in their heart took the lives of innocent people."
Dallas Green, 76, is now an advisor to the Phillies and lives in Newark, Del. A former major-league pitcher, he managed the Phillies for parts of three seasons, including the 1980 season in which the team beat the Kansas City Royals for its first championship. He also managed the New York Yankees and Mets and was general manager of the Chicago Cubs.
(Family photo of Christina
Video inside link that doesn't seem to be here.  Christine was born 9/11/2001

Former Philadelphia Phillies manager Dallas Green released a statement Monday on the death of his 9-year-old granddaughter, Christina Taylor Green. | Photo by AP PhotoClose
Calling it "a tough time" for his family, former Philadelphia Phillies manager Dallas Green released a statement Monday on the death of his 9-year-old granddaughter, Christina Taylor Green, the youngest victim of the Arizona shootings over the weekend.

"This is such a tough time for Sylvia and I and for John and Roxanna and little Dallas," Green said. "We thank everybody from the bottom of our hearts for their friendship, thoughts and prayers, especially the Phillies and our extended family in baseball."

"Somehow we will get through this, but right now our little nine-year-old granddaughter is not here and we're having a hard time with that," said Green, who currently works in the organization's front office helping Phillies general manager Ruben Amaro Jr.

Amaro and others from the team said they were heartbroken by the news.

"I have a terribly heavy heart," Amaro said on the Phillies site on Sunday.

"I have a really empty feeling about this," said Phillies manager Charlie Manuel. "I have two grandsons and I know what they mean to me. I remember Dallas telling me how smart she was. He said she gave him a warm feeling when she was around."

Christina-Taylor Green shared a love of baseball with her grandfather and her father, who is a scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers. She was the only girl on an all-boys baseball team.

KVOA reports that her classmates paid tribute by tying ribbons as part of a memorial for her on her school's baseball field.

Former Capitol Hill Aide, Wife of White House Staffer Found in Burned Car

Ashley Turton Was Found Dead in Burning Car in Southeast Washington

More Video

Ashley Turtor, Former Hill Aide, Dies in Car Fire

Before that, Turton worked first as press secretary, then as chief of staff to DeLauro between 2000 and 2007. In a statement this afternoon, DeLauro expressed her shock at the incident.
"My husband Stan and I are shocked by the tragic loss of our dear friend and colleague, Ashley Turton. She was special," DeLauro said. "She was special as a pioneering chief-of-staff who knew how to make the House of Representatives work for people. She was a leader and comrade in arms to so many staff. She was a member of our family, and we mourn her. My heart goes out to her family, especially her husband Dan and their three young children. This is truly a terrible week for our Congressional family."
Her husband, Dan, is White House liaison to the House of Representatives.
Acting White House chief of staff Pete Rouse sent an e-mail to employees today mourning the Turton family's loss.
"Many of you have worked with both of them during their careers on Capitol Hill, and they exemplify the definition of public servants," Rouse wrote. "We are making every resource available to Dan and his family in his moment of need, and we will update you soon about where you can send condolences to the Turton family."
ABC News' Jake Tapper contributed to this report.

Three little ones without their mother. Why in the world would she be working anyway when she had three babies at home?! Those poor kids. This "career" crap after you have kids is soooo wrong. My sympathies to the kids and husband/father,
americanprolife 6:27 PM
This tragedy is obviously the fault of Sara Palin and the right-wing gun advocates. If Sara Palin hadn't posted crosshairs on her website, none of this would have happened. Sara Palin is responsible for any tragedy befalling a Democratic, Liberal or left-wing White House cabinet worker, their husbands/wives, children, cooks, gardeners, mechanics, electricians and plumbers. Sara Palin will be indicted for this tragedy. Furthermore, I hope for the family of this tragic event. NO MORE GUNS!
journeyroll 5:55 PM
She must be Sarah Palin's crosshair, too?

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