Friday, January 21, 2011

Whistle-Blower Richard I. FIne Tells All on The Alex Jones Show 1/3

Please watch the videos.

NOW we KNOW WHY Michael J. Jackson can NOT get justice in L.A.... according to documents shown herein, by Dr. Shirley Moore, It would appear that Los Angeles Judges, have been running a crooked SLUSH FUND for a long time, and Certificates of Participation and their crooked use should bring Jail time to judges... got a comment on how to restore Accountability, when Judges are almost never even challenged for re-Elections? - Dr. Shirley Moore, a doctor from Los Angeles, has a lot to say about incorporated courts, laundering of money and patting of black robbed devils' pockets. She shares the documents with you; therefore you can see for yourself. After watching this, there is no excuse for being a dumb sheople being lead to the Mad Hatter's tea party and being burnt.
Part One - Ten Minutes 48 Seconds

Download: Judges SLUSH Funds by Dr Shirley Moore - Part One
Download: Judges SLUSH Funds by Dr Shirley Moore - Part Two
Download: Judges SLUSH Funds by Dr Shirley Moore - Part Three

March 1, 2008

Petition for all US CPS cases to be revisited

Dr. Shirley Moore started a new petition:
Request For All United States Cases to be Revisited.
Please check it out and sign if you feel moved to do so.
In case you don’t know her – Dr. Shirley Moore is a long-time activist who has been affiliated with the American Family Rights Association (AFRA). She has a good track record of effecting actual change in the child protective services system.
Here’s the text of Shirley’s new petition, with an invitation to her next rally (Los Angeles, March 15) at the bottom:
The United States Citizens of the County of Los Angeles, California request that all court cases be revisited or nullified based on evidence of Financial Conflicts of Interest and Fraud committed by judges throughout the United States.
Many of the judges that are sitting in court on cases are also sitting on the boards of phony non-profit organizations created intentionally to generate the State Grants through the Federal Funding.
Also, the judges are not only being paid by the state, the County is also paying them. Many judges and some officers of the courts have willfully and intentionally committed actions with malice to conspire against U.S. citizens causing irreparable injury, damage and harm to U.S. citizens.
Based on the conflicts of interest in the above aforementioned County of Los Angeles, California, we believe that not only should many of these cases be revisited immediately in conjunction with a Federal investigation, we are also requesting that this investigation not be limited only to California; but for every State and County throughout the United States of America.
May God bless you and May God bless America.
I am so thrilled to see that the people are beginning to take a stand. If there has ever been a time to stand, the time is now. Being that there is a crucial national election upon us now, this is the time, this is our time.. We can no longer allow a few to control the masses, we must begin to send a power message that simply states that enough is enough, we are aware of the schemes that are being committed against the people and we no longer want to accept the atrocities.
Keeping the Faith,
Dr. S. Moore

Richard Fine on Dr. Shirley Moore Show April 19, 2010,_april_19,_2010
Please I need your help I am running out of time researching this.

I am going to be cohosting a radio show run by a delegate of California. Her name is Dr. Shirley Moore.

She is doing research on the mortgage crises and MERS and so I am finding out that the rothschild have a certain percent of investment of the Bank of America corporatio (BAC).

I need to know any legitimate connections between rothschilds and Bank of America?
A highly publicised extension to the experiment, in which a simpler array was implanted into the arm of Warwick's wife—with the aim of creating a form of telepathy or empathy using the Internet to communicate the signal from afar—was also successful, resulting in the first purely electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans

You have got to watch the 2 following videos and see the arrogance of this SOB.  OMG!!!
"The humanists that want to stay human, the Terrans, maybe as Hugo would call them.  I can't see them ultimately having much power, because at the end of the day, their intellectual capabilities will be so inferior to the cyborgs, those that have implants and upgrades, that the cyborgs will be able to out-think the subspecies that is still human."
Kevin Warwick (Professor - Cybernetics, Reading University)

"So the future for an everyday ordinary human, I guess they'll be some sort of subspecies. Just like we have cows now, so we'll have humans in the future."

"...and as a cyborg, if a human came to see me and it starts making silly noises a bit like a cow does now.  If a cow comes to me and says 'Moo, moo, moo', I'm not going to say, 'Yeah, that's a great idea, I'm going to do what you tell me', so it will be with a human.  They'll come in and start making these silly noises we call speech and human language and so on.  And with these trivial noises, I'm not going to do those silly things.  Why should I?  This creature's absolutely stupid in comparison to me."

The CyberGuru Project

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